Tuesday’s Tip of the Week: How to Hit More Greens in Regulation

Sorry I’m late by a day on this weeks tip, I forgot yesterday was Tuesday (rookie blogger mistake right there). This weeks tip is going to help you hit more greens in regulation next time you hit the links. Golf courses try to trick us, by tucking a lot of the pins in places where the average golfer has little chance of getting the ball close. However, you don’t need to get the ball close to the pin to make par. This weeks tip that I am giving is to aim for the middle of the green on almost every hole. Aiming for the middle will result in more greens hit, more opportunities for birdies, and lower scores. Of course, there are always some pins that you should definitely go for, and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t, I’m just saying that tough pins are exactly what their name says, they’re tough. So why not aim for the middle of the green, and give yourself a good chance for par with two putts, instead of aiming for the tucked pin and having to get up and down for par.


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